Geometry creation

class structuralcodes.geometry.Geometry(name: str | None = None, group_label: str | None = None)[source]

Base class for a geometry object.

__init__(name: str | None = None, group_label: str | None = None) None[source]

Initializes a geometry object.

The name and grouplabel serve for filtering in a compound object. By default it creates a new name each time.

  • name (Optional(str)) – The name to be given to the object.

  • group_label (Optional(str)) – A label for grouping several objects.

property name

Returns the name of the Geometry.

property group_label

Returns the group_label fo the Geometry.

class structuralcodes.geometry.PointGeometry(point: Point | ArrayLike, diameter: float, material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw, density: float | None = None, name: str | None = None, group_label: str | None = None)[source]

Class for a point geometry with material.

Basically it is a wrapper for shapely Point including the material (and other parameters that may be needed).

__init__(point: Point | ArrayLike, diameter: float, material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw, density: float | None = None, name: str | None = None, group_label: str | None = None)[source]

Initializes a PointGeometry object.

The name and group_label serve for filtering in a compound object. By default it creates a new name each time.

  • point (Union(Point, ArrayLike)) – A couple of coordinates or a shapely Point object.

  • diameter (float) – The diameter of the point.

  • material (Union(Material, ConstitutiveLaw)) – The material for the point (this can be a Material or a ConstitutiveLaw).

  • density (Optional(float)) – When a ConstitutiveLaw is passed as material, the density can be providen by this argument. When the material is a Material object the density is taken from the material.

  • name (Optional(str)) – The name to be given to the object.

  • group_label (Optional(str)) – A label for grouping several objects (default is None).

property diameter: float

Returns the point diameter.

property area: float

Returns the point area.

property material: ConstitutiveLaw

Returns the point material.

property density: float

Returns the density.

property x: float

Returns the x coordinate of the point.

property y: float

Returns the y coordinate of the point.

property point: Point

Returns the shapely Point object.

translate(dx: float = 0.0, dy: float = 0.0) PointGeometry[source]

Returns a new PointGeometry that is translated by dx, dy.

  • dx (float) – Translation in x direction.

  • dy (float) – Translation in y direction.


A new, translated point.

Return type:


rotate(angle: float = 0.0, point: Tuple[float, float] | Point = (0.0, 0.0), use_radians: bool = True) PointGeometry[source]

Returns a new PointGeometry that is rotated by angle.

  • angle (float) – Rotation angle in radians (if use_radians = True), or degress (if use_radians = False).

  • point (Union(Point, Tuple(float, float))) – The origin of the rotation.

  • use_radians (bool) – True if angle is in radians, and False if angle is in degrees.

static from_geometry(geo: PointGeometry, new_material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw | None = None) PointGeometry[source]

Create a new PointGeometry with a different material.

  • geo (PointGeometry) – The geometry.

  • new_material (Optional(Union(Material, ConstitutiveLaw))) – A new material to be applied to the geometry. If new_material is None an Elastic material with same stiffness as the original material is created.


The new PointGeometry.

Return type:



The polygon is not copied, but just referenced in the returned PointGeometry object.

class structuralcodes.geometry.SurfaceGeometry(poly: Polygon, material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw, density: float | None = None, concrete: bool = False)[source]

Class for a surface geometry with material.

Basically it is a wrapper for shapely polygon including the material (and other parameters needed). As a shapely polygon it can contain one or more holes.

__init__(poly: Polygon, material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw, density: float | None = None, concrete: bool = False) None[source]

Initializes a SurfaceGeometry object.

  • poly (shapely.Polygon) – A Shapely polygon.

  • material (Union(Material, ConstitutiveLaw)) – A Material or ConsitutiveLaw class applied to the geometry.

  • density (Optional(float)) – When a ConstitutiveLaw is passed as mat, the density can be provided by this argument. When mat is a Material object the density is taken from the material.

  • concrete (bool) – Flag to indicate if the geometry is concrete.

property area: float

Returns the area of the geometry.


The area of the geometry.

Return type:


property centroid: Tuple[float, float]

Returns the centroid of the geometry.


x and y coordinates of the centroid.

Return type:

Tuple(float, float)

property density: float

Returns the density.

calculate_extents() Tuple[float, float, float, float][source]

Calculate extents of SurfaceGeometry.

Calculates the minimum and maximum x and y values.


Minimum and maximum x and y values (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max).

Return type:

Tuple(float, float, float, float)

split(line: LineString | Tuple[Tuple[float, float], float]) Tuple[List[SurfaceGeometry], List[SurfaceGeometry]][source]

Splits the geometry using a line.


line (Union(LineString, Tuple(Tuple(float, float), float))) – A line either represented by a LineString shapely object, or a tuple (point, theta) where point is a coordinate pair and theta is the angle respect the horizontal axis in radians.


The SurfaceGeometries above and below the line.

Return type:

Tuple(List(SurfaceGeometry), List(SurfaceGeometry))

split_two_lines(lines: Tuple[LineString, LineString] | MultiLineString) Polygon | MultiPolygon[source]

Splits the geometry using two lines.


lines (Union(Tuple(LineString, Linestring)), MultiLineString) – Two lines either represented by a tuple of two LineString shapely objects, or a MultiLineString shapely object.


The polygon or multipolygon obtained by splitting the SurfaceGeometry with the two lines.

Return type:

Union(Polygon, Multipolygon)

translate(dx: float = 0.0, dy: float = 0.0) SurfaceGeometry[source]

Returns a new SurfaceGeometry that is translated by dx, dy.

  • dx (float) – Translation in x direction.

  • dy (float) – Translation in y direction.


The translated SurfaceGeometry.

Return type:


rotate(angle: float = 0.0, point: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), use_radians: bool = True) SurfaceGeometry[source]

Returns a new SurfaceGeometry that is rotated by angle.

  • angle (float) – Rotation angle in radians (if use_radians = True), or degress (if use_radians = False).

  • point (Union(Point, Tuple(float, float))) – The origin of the rotation.

  • use_radians (bool) – True if angle is in radians, and False if angle is in degrees.


The rotated SurfaceGeometry.

Return type:


static from_geometry(geo: SurfaceGeometry, new_material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw | None = None) SurfaceGeometry[source]

Create a new SurfaceGeometry with a different material.

  • geo (SurfaceGeometry) – The geometry.

  • new_material – (Optional(Union(Material, ConstitutiveLaw))): A new material to be applied to the geometry. If new_material is None an Elastic material with same stiffness of the original material is created.


The new SurfaceGeometry.

Return type:



The polygon is not copied, but just referenced in the returned SurfaceGeometry object.

class structuralcodes.geometry.CompoundGeometry(geometries: List[Geometry] | MultiPolygon, materials: List[Material] | Material | None = None)[source]

Class for a compound geometry.

It is basicaly a set of geometries, each one with its own materials and properties.

__init__(geometries: List[Geometry] | MultiPolygon, materials: List[Material] | Material | None = None) None[source]

Creates a compound geometry.

  • geometries (Union(List(Geometry), MultiPolygon)) – A list of Geometry objects (i.e. PointGeometry or SurfaceGeometry) or a shapely MultiPolygon object (in this latter case also a list of materials should be given).

  • materials (Optional(List(Material), Material)) – A material (applied to all polygons) or a list of materials. In this case the number of polygons should match the number of materials.

property reinforced_concrete: bool

Returns True if it is a Reinforced Concrete section.

property area: float

Return the area of the compound geometry.

calculate_extents() Tuple[float, float, float, float][source]

Calculate extents of CompundGeometry.

Calculates the minimum and maximum x and y-values.


Minimum and maximum x and y values (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max).

Return type:

Tuple(float, float, float, float)


Considers only SurfaceGeometries and not PointGeometries!

translate(dx: float = 0.0, dy: float = 0.0) CompoundGeometry[source]

Returns a new CompountGeometry that is translated by dx, dy.

  • dx (float) – Translation in x direction.

  • dy (float) – Translation in y direction.


The translated CompoundGeometry.

Return type:


rotate(angle: float = 0.0, point: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), use_radians: bool = True) CompoundGeometry[source]

Returns a new CompoundGeometry that is rotated by angle.

  • angle (float) – Rotation angle in radians (if use_radians = True), or degress (if use_radians = False).

  • point (Union(Point, Tuple(float, float))) – The origin of the rotation.

  • use_radians (bool) – True if angle is in radians, and False if angle is in degrees.


The rotated CompoundGeometry.

Return type:


static from_geometry(geo: CompoundGeometry, new_material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw | None = None) CompoundGeometry[source]

Create a new CompoundGeometry with a different material.

  • geo (CompoundGeometry) – The geometry.

  • new_material (Optional(Union(Material, ConstitutiveLaw))) – A new material to be applied to the geometry. If new_material is None an Elastic material with same stiffness of the original material is created.


The new CompoundGeometry.

Return type:


structuralcodes.geometry.create_line_point_angle(point: Point | Tuple[float, float], theta: float, bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float]) LineString[source]

Creates a line from point and angle within the bounding box.

  • point (Union(Point, Tuple(float, float))) – A Point or a coordinate the line should pass through.

  • theta (float) – The angle of the line in radians.

  • bbox (Tuple(float, float, float, float)) – Bounds for the created line.


The created line.

Return type:


Functions for adding reinforcement

structuralcodes.geometry.add_reinforcement(geo: SurfaceGeometry | CompoundGeometry, coords: Tuple[float, float], diameter: float, material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw) CompoundGeometry[source]

Add a single bar given coordinate.

  • geo (Union(SurfaceGeometry, CompoundGeometry)) – A geometry to which add reinforcement.

  • coords (Tuple(float, float)) – A tuple with cordinates of bar.

  • diameter (float) – The diameter of the reinforcement.

  • material (Union(Material, ConstitutiveLaw)) – A material or a constitutive law for the behavior of the reinforcement.


A compound geometry with the original geometry and the reinforcement.

Return type:


structuralcodes.geometry.add_reinforcement_line(geo: SurfaceGeometry | CompoundGeometry, coords_i: Tuple[float, float], coords_j: Tuple[float, float], diameter: float, material: Material | ConstitutiveLaw, n: int = 0, s: float = 0.0, first: bool = True, last: bool = True) CompoundGeometry[source]

Adds a set of bars distributed in a line.

  • geo (Union(SurfaceGeometry, CompoundGeometry)) – The geometry used as input.

  • coords_i (Tuple(float, float)) – Coordinates of the initial point of line.

  • coords_j (Tuple(float, float)) – Coordinates of the final point of line.

  • diamter (float) – The diameter of the bars.

  • material (Union(Material, ConstitutiveLaw)) – A valid material or constitutive law.

  • n (int) – The number of bars to be distributed inside the line (default = 0).

  • s (float) – The distance between the bars (default = 0).

  • first (bool) – Boolean indicating if placing the first bar (default = True).

  • last (bool) – Boolean indicating if placing the last bar (default = True).


At least n or s should be greater than zero.


A compound geometry with the original geometry and the reinforcement.

Return type:
