Eurocode 2 (2023)ΒΆ Material properties for concrete Strength fcd() fcm() eta_cc() k_tc() k_tt() fctd() fctk_5() fctk_95() fctm() Stiffness Ecm() Parameters of constitutive relations eps_c1() eps_cu1() Miscellaneous properties alpha_c_th() weight_c() Material properties for reinforcement steel Strength fyd() fpd() Stiffness Es() Miscellaneous properties reinforcement_duct_props() p_steel_stress_params() alpha_s_th() weight_s() Crack width calculation Calculated crack width epssm_epscm() srm_cal() kfl() kh() wk_cal() wk_cal2() k_1_r() Minimum reinforcement As_min_y() Deflection calculation delta_simpl() Ec_eff() Creep and shrinkage Creep phi_50y_t0() phi_correction_factor() A_phi_correction_exp() hn() Shrinkage eps_cs_50y()