Creep and shrinkage¶
The following functions are related to calculation of creep and shrinkage.
- ArrayLike, dt: ArrayLike) float [source]¶
Calculate the maturity of the concrete.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.10).
- Parameters:
T (npt.ArrayLike) – The curing temperature history in degrees Celcius.
dt (npt.ArrayLike) – The number of days with temperature T.
- Returns:
The maturity of the concrete.
- Return type:
The two arrays T and dt should have the same length. Each item in dt represents a time interval, and the corresponding item in T represents the average temperature in that time interval.
- float, u: float) float [source]¶
Calculate the effective thickness of the cross section.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.6).
- Parameters:
Ac (float) – The cross section area.
u (float) – The part of the circumference of the cross section subject to drying.
- Returns:
The effective thickness.
- Return type:
The unit of the return will be consistent with the input. E.g. if Ac is mm ** 2 and u is mm, the return is mm.
- float, beta_c: ArrayLike) ArrayLike [source]¶
Calculate the creep number.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.1).
- Parameters:
phi_0 (float) – The standardized creep number defined in Eq. B.2.
beta_c (npt.ArrayLike) – A factor taking into account the creep development as a function of time after loading defined in Eq. (B.7).
- Returns:
The creep number.
- Return type:
- float, beta_fcm: float, beta_t0: float) float [source]¶
Calculate the standardized creep number.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.2).
- Parameters:
phi_RH (float) – The effect of relative humidity defined in Eq. B.3.
beta_fcm (float) – The effect of the concrete strength defined in Eq. B.4.
beta_t0 (float) – The effect of the age at loading defined in Eq. B.5.
- Returns:
The standardized creep number.
- Return type:
- float, fcm: float, RH: float, alpha_1: float, alpha_2: float) float [source]¶
Calculate the effect of relative humidity on the standardized creep number.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.3).
- Parameters:
h_0 (float) – The effective cross sectional thickness in mm, Equation (B.6).
fcm (float) – The mean concrete strength in MPa.
RH (float) – The relative humidity in percent.
alpha_1 (float) – A factor describing the effect of concrete strength defined in Eq. (B.8c).
alpha_2 (float) – A factor describing the effect of concrete strength defined in Eq. (B.8c).
- Returns:
The calculation parameter (B.3).
- Return type:
- float) float [source]¶
Calculate the effect of the concrete strength on the standardized creep number.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.4).
- Parameters:
fcm (float) – The mean concrete strength in MPa.
- Returns:
The effect of concrete strength.
- Return type:
- float) float [source]¶
Calculate the effect of age at loading on the notional creep coefficient.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.5).
- Parameters:
t0 (float) – The age at loading in days.
- Returns:
The effect of age at loading.
- Return type:
- float, t: ArrayLike, beta_H: float) float [source]¶
Calculate the factor that describes the creep development as a function of time after loading.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.7).
- Parameters:
t0 (float) – The concrete age in days a the time of loading.
t (ArrayLike) – The concrete age in days at the evaluated time.
beta_H (float) – Parameter defined in (B.8).
- Returns:
Parameter defined by Equation (B.7), beta_c.
- Return type:
- float, fcm: float, RH: float, alpha_3) float [source]¶
Calculate the effect of relative humidity and the effective thickness of the structural element.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.8a and b).
- Parameters:
h_0 (float) – The effective cross sectional thickness in mm, Equation (B.6).
fcm (float) – The mean concrete strength in MPa.
RH (float) – The relative humidity in percent.
alpha_3 (float) – A factor describing the effect of concrete strength defined in Eq. B.8c.
- Returns:
The effect of humidity and the effective thickness of the element.
- Return type:
- float) float [source]¶
Return a factor taking into account the effect of concrete strength.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.8c).
- Parameters:
fcm (float) – The mean concrete strength in MPa.
- float) float [source]¶
Return a factor taking into account the effect of concrete strength.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.8c).
- Parameters:
fcm (float) – The mean concrete strength in MPa.
- float) float [source]¶
Return a factor taking into account the effect of concrete strength.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.8c).
- Parameters:
fcm (float) – The mean concrete strength in MPa.
- float, alpha_cement: float) float [source]¶
Calculate the adjusted age of the concrete.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.9).
- Parameters:
t0 (float) – The concrete age in days at the time of loading.
alpha_cement (float) – Exponent derived from the sement type.
- Returns:
The adjusted age of the concrete.
- Return type:
- Literal['S', 'N', 'R']) float [source]¶
Return an exponent that depends on the cement type.
- Parameters:
cement_class (str) – The cement class, either ‘S’, ‘N’ or ‘R’.
- Returns:
The exponent that depends on the cement type.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If an invalid cement class is provided.
- ArrayLike, eps_ca: ArrayLike) ArrayLike [source]¶
Calculate the total shrinkage strain.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (3.8).
- Parameters:
eps_cd (npt.ArrayLike) – The drying shrinkage defined in Eq. (3.9).
eps_ca (npt.ArrayLike) – The autogenous shrinkage defined in Eq. (3.11).
- Returns:
The total shrinkage strain.
- Return type:
In EC2 (2004), the shrinkage strain is calculated as a positive number.
- ArrayLike, k_h: float, eps_cd_0: float) ArrayLike [source]¶
Calculate the drying shrinkage.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (3.9).
- Parameters:
beta_ds (npt.ArrayLike) – A coefficient taking into account the time of drying defined in Eq. (3.10).
k_h (float) – A coefficient depending on the effective thickness of the section defined in Tab. 3.3.
eps_cd_0 (float) – The nominal value of drying shrinkage defined in Eq. (B.11).
- Returns:
The drying shrinkage.
- Return type:
In EC2 (2004), the shrinkage strain is calculated as a positive number.
- ArrayLike, t_s: float, h_0: float) ArrayLike [source]¶
Calculate the coefficient taking into account the time of drying.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (3.10).
- Parameters:
t (npt.ArrayLike) – The age of the concrete in days.
t_s (float) – The age of the concrete in days at the start of drying (normally this is the point in time when curing measures end).
h_0 (float) – The effective cross section thichkness in mm.
- Returns:
The coefficient taking into account the time of drying.
- Return type:
- float) float [source]¶
Calculate the coefficient depending on the notional size.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Tab. 3.3.
- Parameters:
h_0 (float) – The notional size of the cross-section in mm.
- Returns:
The coefficient depending on the notional size.
- Return type:
- float, alpha_ds2: float, fcm: float, beta_RH: float, fcm_0: float = 10) float [source]¶
Calculate the nominal value of drying shrinkage.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.11).
- Parameters:
alpha_ds1 (float) – A coefficient depending on the cement type, defined in EC2 (2004), Sec. B.2.
alpha_ds2 (float) – A coefficient depending on the cement type, defined in EC2 (2004), Sec. B.2.
fcm (float) – The mean compressive strength in MPa.
beta_RH (float) – A factor describing the effect of relative humidity, defined in Eq. (B.12).
- Keyword Arguments:
fcm_0 (float) – A reference strength in MPa, default 10 MPa.
- Returns:
The nominal value of drying shrinkage.
- Return type:
- Literal['S', 'N', 'R']) float [source]¶
Return a coefficient depending on the cement class.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Sec. B.2.
- Parameters:
cement_class (str) – The cement class, either ‘S’, ‘N’ or ‘R’.
- Returns:
The exponent that depends on the cement type.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If an invalid cement class is provided.
- Literal['S', 'N', 'R']) float [source]¶
Return a coefficient depending on the cement class.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Sec. B.2.
- Parameters:
cement_class (str) – The cement class, either ‘S’, ‘N’ or ‘R’.
- Returns:
The exponent that depends on the cement type.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If an invalid cement class is provided.
- float, RH_0: float = 100) float [source]¶
Calculate the factor describing the effect of relative humidity.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (B.12).
- Parameters:
RH (float) – The relative humidity in percent.
- Keyword Arguments:
RH_0 (float) – The reference relative humidity, default: 100%.
- Returns:
The factor taking into account the relative humidity.
- Return type:
- ArrayLike, eps_ca_inf: float) ArrayLike [source]¶
Calculate the autogenous shrinkage.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (3.11).
- Parameters:
beta_as (npt.ArrayLike) – A factor describing the autogenous shrinkage development.
eps_ca_inf (float) – The final autogenous shrinkage.
- Returns:
The autogenous shrinkage.
- Return type:
In EC2 (2004), the shrinkage strain is calculated as a positive number.
- float) float [source]¶
Calculate the final autogenous shrinkage.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. 3.12.
- Parameters:
fck (float) – The characteristic compressive strength in MPa.
- Returns:
The final autogenous shrinkage.
- Return type:
- ArrayLike) ArrayLike [source]¶
Calculate the factor describing the development of autogenous shrinkage.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eq. (3.13).
- Parameters:
t (npt.ArrayLike) – The age of the concrete in days.
- Returns:
The factor describing the development of autogenous shrinkage.
- Return type: